Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Art Project

  This painting portrays emotion. Each word is something I have felt since being here in Italy. This experience has taught me so much about myself, others, and life in general. In the beginning of the quarter we were 15 separate objects moving in different directions, trying to piece together a common picture. That picture has now been painted.
  The rainbow symbolizes happiness – my happiness for being here in Italy and for making friends that I know I will have forever. The different colors of the rainbow represent the different cultures, religion, personalities and backgrounds of the group, flowing together in beautiful harmony.
  Under the rainbow there are the Hawaiian islands, on the right there is the word 'Kwajalein' and on the left 'Seattle.' I wrote these words because I am torn with where I identify with the most. I was raised for 10 years, until I was 18, on the beautiful island of Kwajalein, yet, I will most likely never move back to the Marshall Islands. I most recently moved to the states from Hawaii and all of my family lives in Maui. However, my home for right now, and where I am happy, where I have friends, where I have a job, is in Seattle.

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